Take A Picture, It’ll Last Longer…

I hate taking my own photo…But I hate having my photo taken even more. I never sit the right way, eyes are closed, weird angle, or my glasses are crooked or my whole face is crooked. Sometimes though, you have to have a photo. My turn, for a bio. I tried using an older one, a photographer friend had taken many a couple years ago, but I’m older, my hair’s different, it would be obvious that it’s not me NOW, so I couldn’t use those…So here it is. There are so few of me, and it took me forever to get one I was happy with, I’m so picky…


Just A Quickie…

Last week I was just doodling some holiday motifs (icons, elements, whatever you like to call them). I don’t know if I’ll finalize them in a print, I may, or maybe several, there are a few directions going on here, even in such a small space…


Tiny Monsters WIPs…

I did say this was a WIP blog, so here are a couple doodles I’ve been playing with…There are quite a few more, and I have shared here and there with a trusted circle (everyone needs a circle, just two or three people to bounce ideas off of, and to get feedback, crits, etc) and these got some giggles:

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I think I should give some back story: our son is nearly 11, and with that maturity comes a great lack of maturity. It’s like they all of a sudden do opposite of what you asked, and have forgotten everything they were raised with (like manners)…They like to show off, and back talk…That’s where these came from, Tiny Dracula and Tiny Mummy, here to give you tiny reminders to choose to do the right thing, take the high road, live above the line…This particular Tiny Mummy Moment came from a tweet I’d seen from Amy Dyckman yesterday.

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There are quite a few more, but not quite ready to put them out into the world just yet…I don’t know if I will just tighten these up and leave out the color, or flesh them out yet. Part of me thinks they should stay in this immature state…


Hello, and welcome to my brand-spankin’ new blog! I still have my current blog, for my studio & workshop, for finals and shiny finished work. But this one, this blog will be for curiosity and schtick. Schtick is defined as some kind of performance (usually comic) that someone does on a regular basis. And curiosity, well, that’s plain ol’ wanting to know stuff. What I’ll be posting here will be how I do my thing: my thought process, sketches, how I make stuff. It’s as much to help me as it is to help you (you, being anyone who wants to learn the more technical aesthetic of making patterns). Having an outlet to ‘untangle the string’ will keep me sharp and creating. I guess this will be a bit of a journey. A couple years ago I could never show a sketch or a WIP. Now I find it’s getting easier to expose that vulnerability. Now I want to share how I get from A to B. Now I want the opinions of my peers to make my work better. Now I really want to be a little rough around the edges, not everything has to be perfect to post. In fact, I’m beginning to like the imperfection and spontaneity of these early blobs and doodles. I hope you’ll enjoy what I post here, and I encourage you to comment and share. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again soon!

a : )